How do you standout as a youth leader and as an advocate for the environment? Learn how to use your voice and skills to be an effective environmental advocate.
1. Educate yourself and others about environmental issues.
2. Be a role model – lead by example in your own actions to reduce your impact on the environment.
3. Speak up – use your voice to raise awareness about environmental issues and call for change.
4. Get involved – there are many ways you can get involved in environmental protection, whether it’s through volunteering, campaigning, or simply raising awareness in your community.
5. Be passionate – show others that you care about the environment and inspire them to do the same.
Standout Tip #1: EDUCATION
We must educate ourselves and others about environmental issues if we are to create a sustainable future. Environmental education helps us to understand the natural world and our place in it. It also teaches us how-to live-in harmony with the environment and make informed choices about the use of natural resources. Environmental education is an essential tool for creating a sustainable future.

Standout Tip #2: BE A ROLE MODEL
As an environmentally conscious individual, it is important to be a role model and advocate for sustainable living practices. There are many simple ways to be more environmentally friendly, such as recycling, using less water, and conserving energy.
In addition to being more environmentally conscious ourselves, we can also encourage others to do the same by raising awareness and sharing information about environmental issues.
Get involved in your community and support local initiatives that are working to make a difference.
Most importantly, be the change you want to see in the world.
Standout Tip #3: SPEAK UP
When it comes to raising awareness about environmental issues and calling for change, your voice can be a powerful tool. Here are some tips:
1. Use social media to amplify your message.
2. Speak up at events. If you’re attending a panel discussion, conference, or another event related to the environment, don’t be afraid to speak up and share your thoughts.
3. Write letters and make phone calls. While social media is a great way to reach a wide audience, sometimes the more personal touch of a letter or phone call can be even more effective.
Standout Tip #4: GET INVOLVED
There are many ways to get involved in environmental protection.
1. Volunteerism on environmental issues is a great way to get involved and make a difference. Join an environmental group, like Rights of Nature PH, You meet like-minded people and make a difference in your community.
2. Campaigning on environmental issues is another way. Choose an advocacy (read: advocacy campaign examples) and start your own organization or campaign. This may be time-consuming and difficult, yet very rewarding.
3. Another way to help protect the environment is to raise awareness about environmental issues in the community. By educating others about the importance of preserving our natural resources, we can make a difference in the way we use and conserve them.

Standout Tip #5: BE PASSIONATE
Be passionate about environmental issues and learn as much as you can about the topic. Get involved in activities that will help make a difference, such as volunteering for a local cleanup event or starting a recycling program at your school or workplace. Be an advocate for the environment and help spread the word about the importance of taking care of our planet.
Increase your knowledge and awareness on environmental issues. And choose to champion for the causes you care about, and for those around you. To standout, be a champion for the environment.
P.S. If you’re willing to put in more effort to advocate for the planet, you can start by volunteering for an environment-focused NGO like Rights of Nature PH, an organization promoting nature preservation. We are currently looking for volunteers. To become a volunteer, click here.